Paying It Back, Paying it Forward:
Over the last 25+ years in IT, I have benefited from kindness, patience, and shared knowledge from other IT and business professionals. These people have taken me from being someone new to the industry, all the way to the professional I am today. I would not be where I am today without their help. To honor their efforts, I am compelled to find ways to help my current and new peers in the same way. I believe this is not merely a suggestion on how we should treat each other, but should be the standard by which we operate, in IT or any other field.
Sharing Experience, Navigating Struggles:
One of the primary lessons I’ve learned in my career is this: continuous success is earned. In IT, it’s often earned by long nights or weekends spent agonizing over learning new skills, or fraying your nerves as you solve critical issues while others breathe down your neck. While I have no regrets about the struggles I’ve had to get where I am, I know the path I took is not easy. Helping others avoid the struggles I had, and helping my clients achieve success, is an honor and a privilege, one that I take on willingly and humbly.
Helping People Avoid False Promises:
You may have heard or seen radio or Internet advertisements for companies that will “get you a computer career in 6 months”, making “up to six figures”. These ads, and the companies that create them, have been around for as long as I have been in the IT field. Believe me when I say that these companies will not get you a career; they will sell you content. They are only interested in selling you training classes at a high cost, with no real consideration of what you want to do with an IT career. My goal as a career coach is to give my clients everything companies like these cannot give: a one-on-one experience customized for each client’s needs; knowledge from the last 25 years of IT that can help them plan for the next 25 years; customized training plans and career advice that build a pathway to success. Most of all, I listen to my clients’ needs, and provide assistance based on what they need to be successful on their own terms.
In future posts, I will discuss how I operate and provide services to my clients in more detail. In the meantime, I hope you find my site and information useful. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have about anything you see or read on this site. No matter your background, field, or goals, I wish you the greatest success in whatever you set out to do!